
Legal notice

The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer, a copyright notice and rules related to personal data protection.


By means of this website, it is the intention of Universiteit Hasselt – Centrum voor Toegepaste Linguïstiek (UHasselt- CTL) to promote the learning of foreign languages, among others by giving information about initiatives for the learning of foreign languages, especially of the languages of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Its goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention (webmaster@linguacluster.org), we will try to correct them.

However, the Universiteit Hasselt- Centrum voor Toegepaste Linguïstiek accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.

It is our goal to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. The Universiteit Hasselt- Centrum voor Toegepaste Linguïstiek accepts no responsibility with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.

Copyright notice

© Universiteit Hasselt – Centrum voor Toegepaste Linguïstiek, 2011

Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the above-mentioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use.

All texts and illustrations on this website as well as its lay-out and the functionality are protected by copyright. The exploratory texts and illustrations can be printed for private use; distribution is permitted only after prior written authorization of UHasselt-CTL. Quotations and reproduction are allowed provided that you always refer to the valid source. Nevertheless, it is never allowed for commercial aims. For training materials (Talenplein) and the accompanying tools (feedback, dictionary, coding, etc.), prior authorization is always required.

UHasselt-CTL has done everything possible to find the owners of the materials used for this site. If in spite of these efforts someone notices that he has not been contacted for some materials he owns, he can send a message to ctl@uhasselt.be.

Personal data protection

Personal data we receive via this website, are not transferred to third parties. They will only be used to better inform you about language initiatives.

The privacy protection law determines that you can always have access to your personal data stored in our files. It gives you a right of control and of correction.

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© Universiteit Hasselt – Centrum Toegepaste Linguïstiek, 2010
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