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Tick your choice(s):

I want to register for the closing event of Linguacluster on 29 May 2013 in Hasselt.
I also want to register for the reception directly after the closing event from 12.30 to 1.30 pm.

Class exchange:

I would like to bring my pupils into contact with foreign-speakers.

Language forum:

I am interested in a free introduction into the language forum.

Playing stories, learning languages:

I am interested in a free introduction into the materials and method.

All sing along:

I would like to take part in the singing event ‘All sing along’, with (number) pupils of (age) years old.


Euregional traineeships for my pupils seem very informative and I would like to enrol my pupils for the Linguacluster-traineeships.

Discovering the Euregion: Available as of December 2011.

I would like to receive the digital book “Euregion vis à vis” without charge.

The Euregion Cup:

We do not want to miss the kick-off and hence we enrol.

Theatre workshop:

I would like to enrol (number) pupils of (age) years old for the theatre workshop.
I would like to take part in the training myself to learn how to use theatre as a method to improve the language skills of my pupils.

Language modules for 5 professions:

I would like to use the language modules to increase the professional possibilities of my pupils!

Experience and learn: I want to take part in the training

I want to keep informed about the Linguacluster-trainings
I want to receive the Linguacluster-newsletter

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© Universiteit Hasselt – Centrum Toegepaste Linguïstiek, 2010
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